Sample Reports

Use our free, online tools to discover how much your property, or one you’re interested in is estimated to be worth and receive the same detailed estimate report that real estate agents and property developers do – based on local sales, trends and more.

Home Loan Review

Property Estimates Report

Suburb Flyover Report

Home Loan Review

A detailed report of your current home loan, based on the info you provide us. When we look after your loan, we review it for you every year and give you a detailed report about the progress of your loan. We also attempt to find you a better deal without you having to lift a finger!


  • Loan Type
  • Current Balance
  • Redraw Available
  • Current Interest Rate
  • Repayment Amount
  • Minimum Monthly Repayments

Property Estimate Report

A tailored report about the estimated value of your property based on similar sales and rentals in your area. These reports are optimized by one of our staff members to ensure the estimates are as accurate as possible.


  • Sales estimate
  • Rent estimate
  • Comparable sales
  • Comparable rentals

Suburb Report

A collated report of various statistical information such as similar sales and rental prices in your area, and an overview of major demographical information pulled directly from the bureau of statistics


  • Sales statistics and median sale prices and rental prices
  • Suburb growth according to the last 12 months
  • Prices for recently sold houses
  • Properties for rent
  • The demographics of the area including, age, family composition, home ownership etc